Moonlight Frogs | Halloween Story

Moonlight Frogs

Once upon a time, in a house with a bright red door and a climbing rosebush that tickled the windows, lived a little girl named Lily. Lily had hair the color of sunshine and eyes that sparkled like bluebells after a summer rain. Every night, as she snuggled under her cozy blanket, a funny sound would fly through her window. It wasn't a scary growl or a loud whistle, but a happy jumble of chirps and croaks that tickled her ears. One particularly warm night, the sounds seemed louder than ever. They sounded like tiny singers having a party! Lily couldn't resist any longer. She wiggled out of bed, tiptoed to the window, and peeked outside. The night was bright as day, bathed in the light of a giant round moon. Everything looked different – the grass shimmered like soft green velvet, and the flowers leaned closer, their faces glowing in the moonlight. And then she saw them. By the little pond, where the goldfish usually slept, sat a circle of… frogs! But these weren't just any frogs. They were the most incredible frogs Lily had ever seen. Their bumpy green skin shimmered with a faint blue light, like tiny fireflies wearing froggy suits! Lily giggled, her hand flying over her mouth to keep it quiet. As Lily watched, wide-eyed as a baby owl, the frogs puffed out their little chests and opened their mouths wide. Instead of the usual croaks and ribbits, a magical thing happened. The frogs sang! Their tiny voices, a mix of chirps and croaks, wove together into a beautiful melody. It wasn't a song Lily knew, but it made her feel happy and warm, like a hug from Grandma. Lily stayed up all night, her nose pressed against the cool glass, listening to the moonlight frogs. When the first rays of sunshine peeked over the tall trees, the frogs stopped singing. They hopped closer to the pond, their blue glow fading until they looked like regular, sleepy frogs. Lily knew she couldn't tell anyone about her secret friends. Grown-ups didn't seem to understand the magic of the night. So, she kept it a secret treasure, a special gift tucked away in her heart. But every time a full moon filled the sky, Lily knew what to do. She'd wait until her parents were fast asleep, then tiptoe out of bed. In her favorite pajamas – the one with dancing purple stars – she'd sneak outside, her bare feet whispering on the cool grass. And there, by the shimmering pond, she would find her friends. The moonlight frogs were always happy to see her. Their tiny blue glow would brighten as they hopped around her, welcoming their little human friend. And then, under the watchful eye of the moon, the concert would begin. The frogs would sing their sweet melodies, and Lily would dance, her arms outstretched, feeling the magic of the night fill her with joy. Sometimes, the little goldfish in the pond would wake up, startled by the music. They'd swirl around in the moonlight, their scales flashing like silver coins. And even the crickets in the tall grass would join in, chirping their own happy songs. Lily and the moonlight frogs became the best of friends. Every full moon, they sang and danced under the moonlit sky, a secret symphony known only to the night. No matter how many worries Lily had during the day, the happy chirps and croaks always chased those worries away, leaving only a heart full of moonlight magic.

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